3KL Platform
— a learning management system (LMS) that allows you to create training courses and organize the educational process

Companies and Organizations
- Flexible customization of the product appearance; its adaptation to the business processes of the organization
- Tools for briefing, internal training and implementation of personnel development programs
- Motivational tools and gamification
- Adaptation for mobile devices
- Integration with external products and databases
- Implementation of the talent pool
- Possibility to train partner personnel

- Compliance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard
- Suitability for both supporting face-to-face learning and organizing comprehensive distance learning
- Wide functionality to record the educational progress
- Plenty of tools for all types of classes; assessment functionality
- Access to library systems
- Integration with proctoring and plagiarism checking software
- Student and teacher portfolios

Training Centers
- Full-featured course showcase to structure fields and courses
- System for receiving payments for courses; integration with payment systems
- All types of interaction: tests, individual and group work, media content
- Student progress and attendance book, final sheet, grade book. Automated educational process
- Retention of the student body: automatic event notices to students, teachers or supervisors
- Certificates, awards, gamification tools

Vocational Education Institutions
- Suitability for both supporting face-to-face learning and organizing comprehensive distance learning
- Text and graphic materials, media content, individual and group work, tests, assignments, including those with peer assessment
- Forums, messaging, chats, communication with the teacher. Possibility to integrate with third-party webinar rooms
- Electronic assignments with assessment and review, student progress and attendance book, final sheet, grade book
- Possibility to automatically notify students, supervisors, parents and teachers about learning progress
- Automatic control of the student's progress through the course materials
- Automatic student subscription to and unsubscription from e-learning courses based on the curriculum. Academic groups, final sheets, grade books, progress and attendance reports.
all focused on user requirements
on the number of students registered on the platform
in the e-learning systems market
3KL LMS Product Features

A catalog of courses with a customizable structure for sections and subsections. Course search support using secondary fields, filtering and sorting features.

Flexible customization of the platform appearance to the requirements of the organization is included in the basic product package.

Closed courses are only available to registered users and if they have a subscription. Two-factor authentication.

Modular Personal Account. Lists of courses studied and completed, certificates issued and awards received. Portfolio of goals and achievements.

Creation of courses, both at the table of contents level and at the learning material level from scratch. Routing student trajectories along the course materials.

Tests, assignments, forums, lectures, seminars, surveys, questionnaires and chats. Support for downloading third-party content, Scorm and TinCan. Integration with webinar platforms.

An extra kit to complement the built-in material editor. Its tools include charts, collages, hotspots, interactive videos, etc.

Integration with external material repositories, knowledge bases, and electronic library systems for the convenience of including external materials into courses.

Dozens of ready-made reports with download support. A constructor built into the product. Customizable assessment scales, competency system.

Tracking course progress. Assigning levels, awarding badges and certificates. Publication of results on social media.

Functionality of automatic personalized notifications and construction of autonomous and adaptive courses based on them. Designing learning trajectories.

Management of educational processes based on curricula, cohorts and academic groups. Support for face-to-face learning.
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Our Customers
Prices for the 3KL Platform
Cloud Hosting Rates
- Server with LMS ready to go.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Up to 50 online users.
- 5 GB space for data.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery and updating.
- Automatic backup.
- LMS customization according to your requests.
- Possibility to change the LMS design template in the cloud.
- Server with LMS ready to go.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Up to 50 online users.
- 25 GB space for data.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery and updating.
- Automatic backup.
- LMS customization according to your requests.
- Possibility to change the LMS design template in the cloud.
- Server with LMS ready to go.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Up to 300 online users (recommended).1
- 50 GB space for data.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery and updating.
- Automatic backup.
- LMS customization according to your requests.
- Possibility to change the LMS design template in the cloud.
- Tech support by phone.
- Server with LMS ready to go.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Up to 600 online users (recommended). 2
- 330 GB space for data.
- LMS installed on a high-speed SSD drive.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery and updating.
- Automatic backup.
- LMS customization according to your requests.
- Possibility to change the LMS design template in the cloud.
- Tech support by phone.
- Server with LMS ready to go.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Up to 1,000 online users (recommended).3
- 1,000 GB space for data.
- LMS installed on a high-speed SSD drive.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery and updating.
- Automatic backup.
- LMS customization according to your requests.
- Possibility to change the LMS design template in the cloud.
- Tech support by phone.
- Server with LMS ready to go.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Up to 2,000 online users (recommended).4
- 1,000 GB space for data.
- LMS installed on a high-speed SSD drive.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery and updating.
- Automatic backup.
- LMS customization according to your requests.
- Possibility to change the LMS design template in the cloud.
- Tech support by phone.
- Server with LMS ready to go.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Up to 4,000 online users (recommended).5
- 1,000 GB space for data.
- LMS installed on a high-speed SSD drive.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery and updating.
- Automatic backup.
- LMS customization according to your requests.
- Possibility to change the LMS design template in the cloud.
- Tech support by phone.
* — When concluding a contract for the first time (or renewing the contract after a break), a one-time installation fee (one-time connection fee) of 5,000 RUB is charged.
When concluding a written contract to extend the license for a period of less than 12 months, an extra fee of 5,000 RUB is charged.
1 — The limitation is due to the capacity of the resources provided: RAM 12 Gb, processor 8 cores.
2 — The limitation is due to the capacity of the resources provided: RAM 20 Gb, processor 12 cores.
3 — The limitation is due to the capacity of the resources provided: RAM 48 Gb, processor 24 cores.
4 — The limitation is due to the capacity of the resources provided: RAM 92 Gb, processor 48 cores.
5 — The limitation is due to the capacity of the resources provided: RAM 192 Gb, processor 96 cores.
The minimum license period is 3 months.
Server Hosting Rates
- LMS installation package and upcoming updates.
- Provision of the source code under the gnu gpl v3 license.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Remote installation and updating of the LMS1.
- LMS customization according to your requests1.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery1.
- Automatic backup1.
- 4 standard hours for programming and integration.
- LMS installation package and upcoming updates.
- Provision of the source code under the gnu gpl v3 license.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Remote installation and updating of the LMS1.
- LMS customization according to your requests1.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery1.
- Automatic backup1.
- Tech support by phone.
- 4 standard hours for programming and integration.
- LMS installation package and upcoming updates.
- Provision of the source code under the gnu gpl v3 license.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Remote installation and updating of the LMS1.
- LMS customization according to your requests1.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery1.
- Automatic backup1.
- Tech support by phone.
- Remote training for 1 person.
- System design to match the style of your website.
- 10 standard hours for programming and integration.
- LMS installation package and upcoming updates.
- Provision of the source code under the gnu gpl v3 license.
- Unlimited number of users.
- Access to reference materials.
- Consulting via the client's account.
- Extra tech support rooms (up to 3 contact persons).
- Remote installation and updating of the LMS1.
- LMS customization according to your requests1.
- Monitoring, maintenance, recovery1.
- Automatic backup1.
- Tech support by phone.
- Remote training for 3 persons.
- 50 standard hours for programming and integration.
1 — The remote administration service by Open Technology LLC engineers is provided only for systems hosted on a server with Ubuntu Server 20.04 OS that meets the system requirements.
12 months renewal of basic licenses:
82,000 RUB – Norm (2 standard hours included)
117,000 RUB – Optima (2 standard hours included)
165,000 RUB – Max (10 standard hours included)
304,800 RUB – Business (30 standard hours included)
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